Personal Wellness Program

Would you like to take your health to the next level, but don’t know where to start? Whether you are currently suffering from a medical condition or already feel “good” but want to feel even better, we can help. Dr. Rodney Dunetz will work with you one-on-one to create a Personalized Wellness Program that begins with where you are now and takes you to where you want to be.

“Wanting” better health is one thing. Taking action is another. But even taking action isn’t always enough. You need to take the RIGHT action. You need a Personal Wellness Program tailored toward your individual needs. To get and stay healthy, to keep motivated, to see results, to reach your goals, you need the correct combination of “ingredients.” 

Our Personal Wellness Programs include these precise “ingredients” that we have identified as essential to our patients’ success, including:

  • Proper assessment of your current health status. Your Personal Wellness Program will begin with an in-depth questionnaire that you complete and submit prior to meeting with Dr. Dunetz. This private, online questionnaire reveals important details about your family health history, your past and present health status, your lifestyle and even your environment, sparking insight and meaningful conversation that will help direct you toward achieving your optimum version of health and wellness.
  • Functional health testing. The problem with most “wellness” programs is that they are based on hunches. We often see patients who have previously spent months or even years, as well as thousands of dollars, chasing solutions based on incorrect “diagnoses” from a “wellness practitioner”, “nutritionist” or “health coach.” When they fail to see results, they experience frustration, despair and the belief that they are beyond help. At the Dunetz Wellness Center, your health is too important for “hunches.” That is why we utilize the most advanced, science-backed laboratory diagnostic testing to identify precisely what is occurring inside our body. Dr. Dunetz is an expert at identifying the most beneficial testing protocols for each patient and in accurately interpreting the results so that your Personal Wellness Program leads you toward your health goals in the fastest and most effective manner possible.
  • Personalized Action Plan. Your personalized action plan is your GPS to success, guiding you from where you are to where you want to be. Dr. Dunetz will create your individualized plan based on safe, effective health and wellness protocols incorporating the most respected integrative therapies.
  • Ongoing support. We recognize that when it comes to wellness, all-too-often life can get in the way of achieving your goals. That’s why we offer follow-up meetings to evaluate your progress, address your questions and provide the guidance you need to stay on course. Your health is a team effort, and we are on your team.

Now, you can stop just dreaming about getting healthier. With your Personal Wellness Program at the Dunetz Wellness Center, you can finally achieve your goals in a safe, effective and trusted environment.